Lady Beetle

Insect Identification


Use care when identifying lady beetles.  They have a similar pattern and shape to Mexican bean beetles.  The easiest way to differentiate between the two is lady beetles are usually red/orange in color while Mexican bean beetles are yellow.

The color patterns on lady beetles can vary greatly.  Within a short span, you may spot 3 or more different types of lady beetles on the same plant.  If you have concerns about whether or not a beetle on your plant is actually a lady beetle, contact us for a proper identification.

Lady Beetle Larva

Adult Lady Beetle

Adult Potato Beetle


In the garden, lady beetles cause no damage and are responsible for zero garden problems.  Large numbers of them are often a sign of pest insect issues that may need to be addressed.    They should be left alone on the plant and not disturbed in order to allow them to perform their role in the garden as an apex predator.

Affected Plants

Lady beetles are considered beneficial insects and consume large numbers of garden pests. You may see large numbers on plants as an indication of a pest problem.


No management of lady beetles is necessary.  Do not spray them or use any type of chemical to control their numbers.  They are a natural part of the ecosystem and are needed for a healthy garden.  If you notice a plant that contains large numbers of them, look for pest insects.  Once identified, monitor their numbers over time.  If their numbers increase and damage to the plant is seen, supplemental controls such as physical removal may be necessary.  Do not spray any chemical on a plant containing lady beetles.

Further Reading