

Spinosad is a naturally-occurring substance that is made by a type of soil bacteria. It is effective against a wide variety of insects including those considered beneficial. It works by attacking the nervous system of insects who consume sprayed plants. Insects that consume sprayed leaves die within a day or two.

Repeated applications may be necessary as the spray breaks down in sunlight over time. Spraying in the evening may increase the time in which the spray is effective.

Because it is effective against a wide variety of insects, care must be taken to prevent its ingestion by beneficial insects including the various bees, flies, and wasps which all contribute to a healthy garden ecosystem. Do not spray near flowering plants unless all flowers have been removed. You must also take care to keep it out of waterways as it is moderately toxic to fish and amphibians. Carefully follow the label instructions.

Affected Insects

Most insects are susceptible to Spinodad.  Visit the page of a specific insect for more information.

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