Squash Bug

Insect Identification


Squash Bug Eggs

Squash Bug Nymphs and Eggs

Squash Bug Adult


Most damage done by squash bugs is not easily detectable. Heavier infestations will result in deformed, brown, or dying leaves, small white bumps on the bottoms of the leaves, and possibly death of the plant. However, this is rare as you will be able to spot these bugs before they get to be a large problem.

Affected Plants


Control techniques are listed in order of effectiveness.

Row covers

  • If possible, completely cover affected plants early in the season and keep covered as long as bugs remain a threat.

Physical removal

  • Regularly check the underside of the leaves for both adults and the eggs. Crush them all with your fingers.
  • Place a newspaper on the ground at night and check it the next morning. Because squash bugs like to hide at night, you may find large numbers clinging to the bottom of the paper the next morning.


  • Insecticides should not be necessary with this pest unless the numbers are so great that it is too difficult to physically remove them all.

Further Reading